Professional Course

A Short Biography
Alexander Pistis is the head of the Technical Firm for Plannings, supervision and Building Constructions, placed at St. Barbara Street No 39 in Daphne.
He was born in Athens in 1961.
He graduated from the Varvakios Model School and the Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Salonika with honours degree in 1985.
He served his military service as a reserve officer of Engineering Army in the period 1985-1987.
After his military service , he subsequently cooperated with several large engineering companies for surveillance projects outside of Athens and in major public works projects, including Highways , Buildings and Ports. Besides he and his partners planned , developed and supervised projects for his own customers.
During the period 1992 - 2000, he deals primarily with the supervision and implementation of constructing and repairing Departments of Banks and the estimation of residential property values.
In 2001 with the participation of the engineer George Nikolaou they create the company "FASMA DOMIKI" and they plann, supervise and construct numerous public and private projects.
Our Technical Firm carries out its manifold activities successfully so far, owing to the help and the skills of its collaborators.